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Blackpool Tiggers does not receive any central funding and relies on grants and fundraising to subsidise our services for families living with autism.


There are many individuals and  small local businesses who undertake fundraising activities such as raffles, bake sales and sponsored events. Many of our supporters walk, climb or run miles to raise funds to help our families, and we are extremely grateful for this support. Many wish to remain anonymous, but some have their stories on our fundraising news page.


Many of the businesses and grant funders which have supported Blackpool Tiggers over the last few years are listed on our sponsors page. Without these companies we would be unable to offer most of the services available to our families, and we are very grateful for their help. Some companies even continue to offer funds year on year, offering continued support.


If you would like to help by fundraising for Blackpool Tiggers please contact us by email.

If you want to make a donation see our how to donate page.

Thank you!

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